Why Motorsports? The following pages will outline how Motorsports Marketing can work to Your Company's
advantage. While
you are reviewing this proposal outline keep in mind that DCS Motorsports is not a team of once a month "Weekend Warriors"
who work on the race car under a shade tree. Team owner, Duncan Stone has competed against and worked with some of the
best Open Wheel racers in the Most
sponsorship proposals consist of the promise to win races, maybe be at a car show, or make an occasional public appearance
on behalf of a sponsor. DCS Motorsports has developed a philosophy and mission to support our marketing partners, your company
will receive all of the above, and much more. We also understand that you may receive many sponsorship proposals or out and
out requests just to give money. We are confident that DCS Motorsports has more to offer a marketing partner than the
former and we don't even consider the latter. After
reviewing the information in this package, you will agree that DCS Motorsports can produce and put into effect a well thought
out marketing plan to reach the valued and profitable demographic which encompasses all Open Wheel racing fans. Please
take the time to look over our marketing outline, contact us and tell me what direction you want to take your company.
Then as a team we will put together a custom marketing partnership plan to help your company meet its goals and smoke
the competition, this is DCS Motorsports Mission. Benefits of
Motorsports Marketing CONSUMER FOLLOWING: Racing can be a remarkably efficient way for a company
to reach that segment of the population that is young, male, well educated and just beginning to accumulate the material things
in life. But, when you look at the demographics it's also very noticeable that females are a large part (32%) of the Motorsports
fan base. Depending on the product of course, a company would be hard pressed to overlook this group. The demographics do
not differentiate between male and female except to note the percentages of each. MANAGEABILITY: Because the typical racing team participates in a series of events, a sponsor can
work at utilizing their involvement with the team over a period of months, learning and adjusting the program as they go. LOCALITY: The high degree of visibility enjoyed by events in cities adjacent to the race
track allows for all kinds of promotional tie-ins, especially those impacting on or for the company's retail constituents. EXCITEMENT: Especially for the non-consumer goods company, racing events provide an ideal backdrop
for key account entertainment and/or internal public relations of sales promotion activity. TRADE APPEAL: An often overlooked phenomenon is racings ability to get a company dramatic exposure
in its trade press, which reaches a critical target audience for them. WARMTH: Racing, perhaps unique among professional sports, not only
tolerates commercial involvement, it welcome's it with open arms. Open Wheel racing is also the only Motorsports event
that allows the fan entry to the pit area. This allows the fan to get up close to their favorite team and driver during the
event. DCS Motorsports
Mission DCS Motorsports mission is to improve the image, visibility,
and market share of our marketing partners. With these improvements your companies’ profitability will undoubtedly increase,
and as our marketing partners you will have received the best value possible for your sponsorship dollars. DCS Motorsports
will accomplish its mission by providing the following: ·
By being professional in every
sense of the word and projecting that image in representing our marketing partners both on and off the track. ·
Provide a "Winners" image for
our sponsor and their employee's. ·
Commitment to our marketing partner’s objectives. ·
Developing innovative marketing
packages to get maximum exposure for our marketing partner, and their products. ·
Teamwork, by working with our marketing partners to develop strategies and objectives. ·
An obligation, without question, to
fulfill all contracts in a manner that is moral and ethical with the highest standards of integrity. ·
A Winning Attitude, DCS Motorsports
is aware that a successful and winning attitude is an integral part of any achievements, on and off the track. ·
Always provide our partners more
than what has been contracted for. A Game Plan Here
is a sample of what DCS Motorsports can provide to put Your Company in front of prospective customers, clients, and
way out in front of your competition! Publicity Opportunities ·
News Releases and Newsletters - We will prepare regular news releases to send to journalists
and other media in specified geographic areas where you want to make the most impact. Newsletters detailing your team's progress
will be prepared and distributed to the media at intervals to coincide with the team's arrival for a promotional event. ·
Promotional Events - We can work with your marketing team to design an effective and
active display at malls, county fairs, shopping centers, high schools, and other organizations or events. Imagine a racecar
in the local mall or in front of your business on the weekend in your target area. ·
Community Involvement - Your team could go to schools or other organizations to give
talks on racing versus drugs, street racing, and staying in school, doing this while wearing Your Company's logo and
displaying the racecar with your advertising messages. Media could be notified and press conferences scheduled noting your
teams’ involvement in such projects, building a quality image for Your Company. ·
Cause Marketing - The race team could be an important part of Your Company's
special cause project. The team could carry your marketing message and your charity project message together. Building an image of community involvement. Off Site Activities ·
Trade Shows -
How do you get your exhibit noticed? How do you design ways to get Your Company to stand out from your competition?
A full fledged racecar and driver in your booth at your trade show will surely draw a crowd. You could have a continuous
television display showing Open Wheel Racing and showcasing Your Company's involvement. ·
Literature Handouts - A display could be coordinated with a racing event to have your car and driver at a local mall, high school
or the event to pass out literature promoting Your Company's products. Promotional samples, or racing merchandise could
be distributed, Return on Investment 1. Your Company
Name on race car at agreed upon location. 2. The traveling billboard effect of Your Company's identification
on the teams’ car carrier as it travels to events. 3. The driver and all team members wear uniforms with
Your Company Name, logo, colors. Exposure from TV and photographs of team members. 4. The team itself serves as "spokespeople" for Your
Company. 5. The display of the racecar with Your Company Name
identification at major market area which you select. 6. Advertising possibilities in print, radio, and television
mediums using the team. 7. The use of the race team to enhance employee
relations and to develop consumer promotions.
8. Your Company Name identification in all media releases,
press kits, radio and TV, program book articles, magazine features, etc.. 9. Arrangements can be made for trackside signage. 10. Mailing list promotions. 11. Community Relations 12. Cause marketing possibilities. 13. Hospitality Suites at track to entertain customers,
prospects and employees. 14. Arrangements for race tickets and credentials for
key people. 15. Your Company logo would be used in all letterhead,
press release paper and other mailing materials.
16. A sponsorship announcement news release will be issued
to all media outlets on our media lists. This will include daily, weekly, trade publications, TV and radio. 17. Timely data will be released to the media at regular
intervals to create continuing interest. 18. A media kit will be created on the team program.
If agreed, a public relations professional will be at each event or "major" event. 19. Arrangements can be made to carry your ad message
on each tracks public address system during each weekly event. 20. We will work with you to provide 21. Track personnel will work with you to get maximum
exposure for product and services. 22. Display advertising space such as billboard space,
product display space, etc., can be made available at all tracks, this may include additional costs on your part. 23. We would invite you to stage employee events, promotional
nights or other activities at the various race tracks where 24. We invite you to supply printed advertising material
for distribution at each track. 25. We invite you to do product/samplings and product/service
research at the tracks. We will work with the tracks to make all arrangements. 26. We invite you to make suggestions for additional
sales generating promotional items. |
Options This is our Primary Marketing
Partner package. It is a sample of the ways DCS Motorsports can promote your company. Once we make initial contact with each
other and together determine the goals of your company using a Motorsports marketing campaign, we will put together a custom
package that will outline the strategy to produce those goals. _____________________________________________ PRIMARY PARTNER PACKAGE ·
Naming the racecar, such as "YOUR COMPANY"
Super Rod Chevy. ·
Identification, color scheme and
graphics control of the racecar, hauler, equipment and uniforms. ·
Featured recognition on all press and
media, including "Hero" cards. ·
Team spokesperson for your products
and/or services at all public events including races. ·
Display of the racecar in your major
market areas. ·
Display space in the pits with the
racecar. ·
Distribution of your company literature. ·
Featured recognition on DCSMotorsports.com ·
Link to your company web site, a description
of your products and/or services with our endorsement. ·
Receive newsletters in coordination
with events and appearances. _____________________________________________ SECONDARY PARTNER PACKAGE As a Secondary Sponsor, DCS
Motorsports will work with your company to develop a program that best uses the team to make the most impact. As in the Primary
package this is only a sample of what we can provide. ·
Placement of your company logo or graphic
on a high exposure area of the racecar. ·
Placement of your company logo or graphic
on a high exposure area of the transporter. ·
Placement of your company logo or graphic
on crew and driver uniforms. ·
Display of racecar in your major market
area at additional cost. ·
Identification as secondary sponsor
in all press and media. ·
Identification as secondary sponsor
on DcsMotorsports.com ·
Link to your company web site, a description
of your products or services with our endorsement. ·
Receive newsletters in coordination
with events and appearances. _____________________________________________ ASSOCIATE PARTNER Our Honorable Mention program
is designed for those companies whose main purpose is to put their companies’ name/logo in front of a crowd. After discussing
our program and determining that this is your company's goals, your company will receive the following. ·
Display of your logo on a non-primary
location on the race car. ·
Display of your logo on a non-primary
location on the transporter. ·
Incidental recognition in all press
and media. ·
Recognition, logo and link to your
company web site on DCSMotorsports.com ·
Receive newsletters in coordination
with events and appearances.
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